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VI. Библиографические работы. Справочные издания

а) Внешние сношения

Annotated bibliography on disarmament and military questions, prepared by the Library of League of Nations. Geneva 1931. 163 p.

Annual register; a review of public events at home and abroad... New series. London - New York 1920. [...for the years 1919-.]

Bibliographische Vierteljahrshefte der YVeltkriegsbiicherei. Stuttgart. Hft. 5. Bibliographie zur Geschichte Nachfolgestaaten. 2. erg. Aufl., 1935. 99 S. Hft. 10. Bibliographie zur Geschichte des Britischen Reiches in der Nachkriegszeit. 2. erg. Aufl., 1937. 73 S. Hft. 16. Bibliographie zur Geschichte Frankreichs in der Nachkriegszeit. 1938. 7S S. Hft. 19. Bibliographie zur Geschichte Italiens in der Nachkriegszeit. 2. erg. Aufl., 1939. 72 S. Hit. 23/24/25. Bibliographie zur neusten Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten. 1940.

Catalogue of printed books in the library of the Foreign office. London 1926. 1587 p.

Langer, W. L. and Armstrong, H. F. Foreign affairs bibliography. A selected and annotated list of books on international relations. 1919- 1932. New York - London 1933. XVII, 551 p. Продолжением служит библиографический отдел журнала: "Foreign Affairs", см. выше.

List of the serial publications of foreign Governments 1815-1931. Ed. by W. Gregory. New York 1932. [8], 720 p.

Meyer, J. Official publications of European Governments. Paris 1929.

Smogorzemki, C. Abrege d'une bibliographie relative aux relations germano-polonaises. Paris 1933. 144 p. (Problemes politiques de la Pologne contemporaine, III (Supplement)).

Strupp, K. Bibliographie du droit des gens etdes relations internationales. Lead (Hollande) 1938. XVIII, 521 p.

Sveistrup, H. Die Schuldenlast des Weltkrieges. Quellen- und Literatur-Nachweis zu den Interallierten Kriegschulden, den Reparationen und den Dawes-PIan. 1918-1928. Berlin 1929. X, 277 S.

Sveistrup, H. Biindnis-Schulden und Kriegs-Tribute. Vom Dawesplan zum Youngsplan und Neuen Plan 1928-1930. Literaturnachweis. Berlin 1931. III S.

Reismiiller, G. und Hoftnann, J. Zehn Jahre Rheinlandbesetzung. Be-schreibendes Verzeichnis des Schrifttums liber die Westfragen mit Ein- schluss des Saargebietes und Eupen-Malmedys. Die selbstandig erschie- nenen Schriften. Breslau 1929. XII, 371 S.

Парижская мирная конференция

Almond, N. and Lutz, R. H. An introduction to a bibliography of the Paris Peace Conference. Collections of sources, archive publications and source books. London... 1935. 32 p. (Hoover war library bibliographical series. II).

Rothbarth, M. Bibliographie zum Vertrag von Versailles. Mannheim-Berlin 1925. 36 S. (Vorabdruck aus dem Archiv der Friedensvertrage. Bd 2).

Лига наций

Breyoha-Vauthier, A. C. La Socitte des Nations. Centre d'etudes et source d'informations. Ce que contiennent ses publications. Introduction par T. P. Sevensma. Pref. de J. Avenol. [Ed. frangaise rev. et augm.]. Paris 1937. 104 p.

Carroll, M. J., Key to League of Nations documents placed on public sale 1920-1929. Boston 1930. 340 p. Supplement 1-4. 1931-1938.

Publications issued by the League of Nations (Catalogue of publications 1920-1935). Geneva 1935. 213 p. Supplement 1-3, 1937-1939.

б) Восток. Колонии. Мандатные территории

Скачков, П. Е. Библиография Китая. Систематический указатель книг и журнальных статей о Китае. На русск. яз., 1730-1930. М. Л. 1932. XXIII, 843 стр.

Blanquis, Ph. J. Elements d'une bibliographie frangaise de l'apres-guerre pour les etats sous mandat du Proche-Orient. Beirut 1934. 208 p.

Bibliographia dell'Impero fascista (Colonie e possedimenti). Opere possedute dalla Bibliotheca della Camera fascista. Roma 1937. VIII, 200 p.

Bibliographie d'histoire coloniale (1900-1930), publiee par A. Martineau, Roussier, Tramond. Paris 1932. XVI, 607 p. (Premier Congres International d'histoire coloniale. Paris 1931).

Haskell, D. C. Ethiopia and the Italo-Ethiopian conflict 1928-1936. A selected list of references. New York 1936. 13 p.

Kerner, R. Northeastern Asia. A selected bibliography. Contributions to the bibliography of the relations of China, Russia and Japan with special reference to Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia and Eastern Siberia in oriental and european languages. Vol. 1-2. Berkeley, Cal. 1930.

List of Works relating to the Mandates system and the territories under mandate, catalogued in the Library of the League of Nations. Geneva 1930. 106 p. First supplement. Geneva 1934. 56 p.

List of references on Ethiopia (Abyssinia)... [Washington] 1935, 26 p. [U. S. Library of Congress].

Nachod, O. Bibliographie von Japan. Bd 1-4. Leipzig 1928-1935.

A post war bibliography of the Near Eastern mandates. A preliminary survey of publications on the social sciences. Dealing with Iraq, Palestine and Trans-Jordan and the Syrian States from... 1918 to... 1929 English fasc. Ed. by B. A. Faris. Gen. ed. S. C. Dodd. Beirut, Syria 1932. 248 p. [Publ. of the American university of Beirut. Soc. science, series № 1].

Praesent, H. and Haenisch, W. Bibliographie von Japan... Bd 5-6. des von O. Nachod begonnenen Gesamtwerkes. Leipzig 1937-1940.

Savadjian, L. Bibliographie balcanique. Vol. I. Paris 1931.

Select bibliography of recent publications in the Library of the Royal Colonial institute illustrating the relations between europeans and colored races. Сотр. by E. Lewin. [London] 1926. 62 p. Addenda to bibliography of relations with colored races up to february 28, 1927 [1927].

Subject catalogue of the library of Royal Empire Society... Сотр. by E. Lewin. Vol. 1-5. London 1930-1937.

Varley, D. H. A bibliography of Italian colonisation in Africa with a section on Abyssinia. London 1936. 92 p. (Royal Empire Society and Royal Institute of International affairs).

Wilson, A. T. A bibliography of Persia. Oxford 1930. X. 253 p.

Сверх того см.:

Библиографический ежегодник: "International bibliography of historical sciences". Ed. by the International committee of historical sciences. Paris, Roma ...1930-. [for the years 1926-1934, 1937-.]

Томы за 1935 и 1936 гг. не включают литературу по истории послевоенного периода.

Библиографический журнал "Bulletin bibliographique de documentation internationale contemporaine". Paris 1926-. [Mensuel] и критико-библиографические отделы указанных выше журналов.


Н. В. Юдицкий и С. М. Майоров

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